Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Class 7: The Learning and Teaching Puzzle (1)

Our goal for this semester is to begin putting together the puzzle pieces that make up the learning and teaching process -- with a focus on tools and resources.


How do educators know what to teach? How do they know what students should learn? Every state has standards and every content area has national standards. There are even standards for technology integration. Georgia is transitioning from Quality Core Curriculum Standards (QCC) to the Georgia Performance Standards. You can even watch a video about the Georgia Performance Standards(Also in .wmv format). You'll also want to be familiar with the ISTE standards for technology integration -- this class, and your course projects, are based on those standards. Select a grade level and subject area that will be the focus of your projects this semester. You'll need to print a copy of these standards and place them in your 3-ring binder for reference purposees this semester.

Important: Learn to navigate the Georgia Performance Standards Website so that you can select your subject area. Remember that the book you have selected must match with the Georgia Performance Standards.

At the end of last class, I asked you to take the online quiz to find out your own learning style. You were also asked to find at least two other classmates who have similar learning styles. Now I want you to talk about your learning habits in common and talk about them.

But understanding learning styles is just one part of this puzzle piece. Understanding the various learning theories is important to be able to prepare an appropriate learning environment for your students. More information can be seen in the chapters in section one in the E-Book edited by Dr. Orey, a professor of our department. Or Read more about learning theories here.

Today's tips:
Want to have a portable bookmark for your favorite websites?

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